What exactly does the term “healer” mean? Certainly, there are many forms of healing and many modalities for healing. It can be said that each individual who works in a healing capacity does it in his or her own special way. They bring their own insight to the process. A healer can help with physical symptoms, emotional pain, spiritual wellbeing, and everything in between.
Although there are many powerful forms of healing, for the purposes of this conversation we are going to dive right into the world of energy healing. Energy healers may have the ability to “see” visions, travel between physical and spiritual realms, and transform energy. For some, this form of healing is commonplace and powerful; for others it is new and foreign. It can even be misunderstood. I believe that understanding the energetic realm is the future of medicine. It provides a new level of insight about how the human body functions, and how to maintain and regain health.
When my guest and I discussed this episode, we both felt really strongly that we wanted to talk about becoming a healer, and to demystify energy healing. We share the vantage point of one person who was powerfully called to this path, and the steps she took to finding her calling.
The longer that I do energy work, the more I see the healer in all of us.
I believe that each person has the ability to heal their own body in ways that might surprise them. Each of us holds the keys to wisdom beyond what we may realize. Even those that never choose a profession in the healing arts have the ability to heal – if they choose to open up to it, discover it, and explore it through conversation as we do in this episode.
My guest today is Amy Stark, Founder of Stark Transformation. Amy ignites massive transformation in clients. She helps them remove and rewrite the parts of their energetic body that are creating and perpetuating their symptoms and disease. Amy assists clients by reading their energy signature, then sharing what she sees and how it relates to their current physical state. She helps them release old patterns of thinking, upgrade their energy, and restore a sense of peace, balance and purpose. Amy is a trained Reiki Master, Reconnective Healer, and a licensed massage therapist that specializes in working with people with Lyme Disease and Parkinson’s. She has a bachelors degree in Psychology, and a Masters in Education.
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In this episode, we get to follow Amy through her life journey to becoming an energy healer. She shares the most powerful tools she used to open up to the energetic realm, takes us inside her energy healing process, and tells how she is able to get incredible results for her clients.
Find out more about Amy’s work on her website StarkTransformation.com on her Facebook page.
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As always, my hope for you is that you love big and live abundantly! xo