Sharing Your Truth | Louisa Meyer

Sharing your truth is not always easy. It can take some time and careful consideration before you speak it to those you love. There is no fast route to seeking out the truth, but the path to understanding our innermost emotions is important, and sharing them is a necessary step in healing and empowering ourselves.

It’s an honor to have Louisa Meyer on this first show of 2019. I wanted to start with this episode because Louisa is sharing a truth that she has never shared before. These are precious moments to be a part of. Ever since I wrote The Soul Frequency Book, I have been in the presence of truth being revealed, and the shift in energy that occurs changes the course of one’s future. This is the potent energy transmitted through this episode, and I hope it inspires you to share your truth when and how feels best to you.

Louisa Meyer is the host and creator of the Spiritual and Intuit blog and podcast. Spiritual and Intuit explores topics relating to spiritual and intuitive development, psychic work, energy, metaphysics, and practical tips for empowering daily life. Today she shares an inspiring message of healing by way of courage through sharing her experience and life with us.


This year ahead we are going to be talking more about energy frequency and knowing thy self. I like to geek out on these subjects of course! We will go deeper with both topics in so many beautiful ways. If you are inspired by the show, and want to talk about these subjects more, you can join The Soul Frequency VIP Facebook group.

The group is made of curious individuals who want to talk about energy, their experiences of awakening, and what they are going through.  It is a space where we can explore more together. If you feel inspired to be with us, we would love to have you.

Let’s Connect!  Follow along on Facebook and on Instagram.

As always, my hope for you is that you love big and live abundantly! xo



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