Partnership is always possible—and it’s the result of healing what’s in the way of it.
In fact, partnership is our deepest truth as human beings. We can’t do this alone! All of us want to share honestly, with open hearts and minds—and we’re all made for it.
Ten years ago, it was an instant connection. Our romantic and blissful beginning eventually gave way to being honest about what we want out of our lives here on Earth and catalyzing each other into greater growth.
Travis Ekodol, my husband, is the quiet strength that holds it all together in my house, and he’s one of my favorite people in the world. We both had romantic disappointments in our past, but we were both ready for a relationship with a higher purpose.
In this episode, Travis and I talk about how we met each other, our quirks and crazies, and our journey sharing this experience of human life together in marriage, along with some surprises and giggles!
In this podcast episode:
—Meeting online, our first date, and our initial impressions of each other
—Feeling a bit jaded with romance? We’ve got a little bit of advice for you!
—Transforming together and conquering goals over 10 years of our partnership
—Growing in communication when tough stuff comes up—get out of the battle of the triggers!
Resources for you:
—Join me live at Women’s Health Matters on May 25th (or watch the live stream) by signing up at
—Join The Soul Frequency VIP Tribe on Facebook.
Let’s Connect! Follow along on Facebook and on Instagram.
As always, my hope for you is that you love big and live abundantly! xo