Sessions: Healing the Need to Be Liked

Sessions: Healing the Need to Be Liked

One of the greatest things about being human is that we are tied to our relationships and connections in life. It’s beautiful how we rely on and come together with other people. The flipside of our need to connect and the importance we have in community, however, is...
Sessions: Destabilizing Energy

Sessions: Destabilizing Energy

You might be feeling like you’re playing a game of Pick-up Sticks, and someone keeps throwing your sticks up in the air, and you never know where they will land. This is my analogy for the energy on the planet right now. There’s a lot going on, so, this episode of The...
Sex and Your Stars | Stefanie Iris Weiss

Sex and Your Stars | Stefanie Iris Weiss

Ooh, the topic of today’s episode of The Soul Frequency is a juicy one, so let’s talk about it! It’s so fascinating to me how the things we experience in our life show up in our astrological charts, whether that’s our natal chart, or in our transitions. Our...
Sessions: Hard Lessons = Wisdom Earned

Sessions: Hard Lessons = Wisdom Earned

We all go through hard lessons from time to time and with everything going on in the world at this time, these tough lessons can feel so much harder to navigate. Which is why on today’s episode of The Soul Frequency I wanted to talk about how these hard lessons are...