Decoding Angel Numbers

Decoding Angel Numbers

It’s probably been about three to four years since I first started seeing angel numbers — or three-digit number sequences. Whenever I would notice these numbers, I would take a photo of them and post that photo on Instagram. Looking through my phone, I now have...
Signs You Are Ready

Signs You Are Ready

Just as we are about to cross over a threshold and courageously step toward our purpose, there is a readiness that happens. It happens for everyone at a different time. Sometimes it happens just in one area of your life (career, personal relationships or love...
5 Questions Awakened Souls Ask

5 Questions Awakened Souls Ask

You know that I love curiosity. I think curiosity is the beginning of everything wonderful in our lives. Yet as a society, we’re not really encouraged to question things. Society, marriage, careers — life. We’re merely taught to put down our heads, get through it and...
Finding the Blessings

Finding the Blessings

As we move into the holiday season, I wanted to take a moment this week to talk about blessings — after all, we have so much to be grateful for! And yet for a lot of us, the holidays don’t feel like blessings at all. This is the time we’re supposed to feel grateful....
How to Upgrade to 5D

How to Upgrade to 5D

In spiritual development, there’s this concept that we need to go somewhere or get something or fix ourselves. But here’s the thing: there’s nowhere to go. Before you build anything, you should profoundly dig deep into who you are. And that is what 5D is: knowing...
When Your Friends and Family Don’t Get It

When Your Friends and Family Don’t Get It

So you’ve started waking up and realizing you are meant for more. You’re swimming through your spiritual awakening – the moments of divine recognition, the questioning, and the subtle or not-so-subtle desires for something new. And sadly there are people around...